Monday, April 17, 2006

Road trip (by bike) to the northeast of Kingston

Hello all!

I apologize for my long silence, due to the amount of work I had these last weeks where nothing likely to be reported on this blog happened. (Anyway tell me if you want to see my power-point presentation or my report in Extragalactic Astronomy, then I'll send them to you ;-) ). I also decided to write messages in english, to make my blog understandable (I hope) by everybody in France and here in Canada. You can report me every mistake you may see in order to improve messages.

This last weekend, to breathe some fresh air after having spent hours working in my office with conditionned air, I borrowed Ivan's bike and I rode outside Kingston and along the Rideau Canal (the same on which I skated in Ottawa few weeks ago!). Despite the quite small number of inhabitants (130,000), it takes a long time to exit from the city, since it has a large extension (about 7 or 8 kms from the centre).
The first stop was at the "Kingston Mills", located a few kms northeast of the city.
In this place one can see several locks of the Rideau Canal...

...and also cliffs where Kingston's climbers come when the weather is warm enough!

The climbing site is quite large, but I saw only one or two routes with equipment: the remaining is for traditional climbing ("terrain d'aventure") !

Above the locks, here is the "Colonel By" Lake

...and below the locks, the Cataraqui River which meets the St Lawrence River at Kingston a few kms further.

That's all for this Saturday, as the weather was turning bad and I did not want to ride under the rain!
But I came back the day after, and this time I went further along the Rideau Canal and some lakes.
I took these pictures when I was at about 20 kms from Kingston (I did not go very far, since the wind faced me) .

This is the typical landscape which can be seen along the Rideau Canal.
... That's all folks! ;-)


At 10:02 p.m., Blogger Ivan said...

I am glad that you enjoyed to tour around Kingston on my bike. I'll have to check those places out for myself. :)

At 9:19 a.m., Blogger Brice said...

hé ho, c quoi ça ? et la version française, elle arrive quand ? Tu es pas près du Québec pourtant ? ;-)
see you!

At 1:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

D'accord avec ton ami brice ... *sifflote* ^^

At 8:52 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

coucou julien, nous venons de lire un aperçu de ta vie au Canada(chez jacqueline qui n'a pas pu traduire le dernier...!)...pourquoi "hérisson"? on a bien apprécié les paysages, tu dois te régaler. Profite bien de tes vacances en famille, nous attendons les nouvelles "fraiches" à leur retour....gros bisous à toi et à toute la famille. Hélène et Lulu

At 9:32 p.m., Blogger Julien said...

Devant la pression de tous les fans de ce blog, c'est d'accord, les prochains messages seront en français ! (et j'y glisserai peut-être des expressions québécoises)


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